(Okult Illuminati Mind Control & Occult Symbolism its just about everywhere)

Hampir di setiap video musik saat ini orang melihat sosok artis pengendali pikiran – itu adalah MK Ultra, juga 'Monarch' adalah nama yang biasa dikaitkan dengan itu. Sebuah pikiran trauma berbasis kontrol, dengan sejarah panjang yang bersumber kepada zaman Nazi. MK Ultra melibatkan penggunaan sengatan listrik, obat pengubah pikiran (umumnya LSD), psikologi jahat sesat, hipnosis, berbagai metode penyiksaan, bahkan ritual setan.. Illuminati menggunakan MK Ultra (Monarch, Butterfly ...) kepada artis (hampir setiap selebriti, bintang film dll) untuk mengubah mereka menjadi robot pengendali pikiran / budak seks untuk mengindoktrinasi masyarakat dengan agenda gelap mereka.
Kendali Pikiran - Sarana Illuminati untuk Mengindoktrinasi Masyarakat
- Mind Control The Ultimate Terror
- Mind Control The Ultimate Terror
- The Secrets of Mind Control
- -The Secrets of Mind Control
- CIA Mind Control Techniques
- CIA Mind Control Techniques - vigilantcitizen.com which also contains a lot of deep analytic pages of Mk Ultra artists and lots more.
- MK-Ultra (Reptoid) Mind Control Machine
- MK-Ultra (Reptoid) Mind Control Machine
- MK-ULTRA - The CIA's Mind Control Program
- MK-ULTRA - The CIA's Mind Control Program
- Blog on Mk Ultra
- Detailed Blog on Mk Ultra
- Illuminati Defector Details Pervasive Conspiracy
- Satanic Cult Plans 'Fourth Reich'
By Henry Makow, Ph.D
Video MK Ultra
Monarch Programming MK ULTRA -Trauma based mind controlled slaves
MK Ultra Mind Control/Monarch Programming Intro
The illuminati,The Music Industry,MK ULTRA & You - How The illuminati Control Artists (Part 1)
The illuminati,The Music Industry,MK ULTRA & You - Chosen From Childhood (Part 2)
Mind Control: MK ULTRA Part 1/2
Mind Control: MK ULTRA Part 2/2
Trauma based Mk-Ultra Monarch Sex Slaves
Trauma based Mk ultra Monarch slaves Part 2
Satanic Ritual Abuse
Satanic Ritual Abuse (continued)
Trauma Based Culture
Souled Out Stars Exposed Preview
MK-Ultra (Monarch Programming) Exposed Part 1 (1/3)
MK-Ultra (Monarch Programming) Exposed Part 1 (2/3)
MK-Ultra (Monarch Programming) Exposed Part 1 (3/3)
MK-Ultra (Monarch Programming) Exposed Part 2 (1/3)
MK-Ultra (Monarch Programming) Exposed Part 2 (2/3)
MK-Ultra (Monarch Programming) Exposed Part 2 (3/3)
Illuminati - The Music Industry Exposed, satanic words and meaning full video.